TTE Innovation Center | LEED Gold | Photo: Shigeo Ogawa

LEED Green Raters provide verification services for LEED residential projects and play a critical part in the LEED certification of residential buildings. With tens of thousands of registered projects, the demand for qualified LEED Green Raters is growing every day. They are individuals authorized by GBCI to perform verification services, based on their demonstrated experience and expertise in residential green building and verification.
LEED Green Raters must be involved with the project from the design phase (prior to a preliminary rating, as required by rating system) and throughout the construction process and are responsible for:
- Providing on-site verification services for registered LEED residential projects
- Verifying that the project is designed and built to the rigorous requirements of the LEED rating system through documentation review and onsite verification
- Assembling the project submittal package for submission to GBCI for certification review
Project teams interested in certifying a residential project must contact a LEED Green Rater.
Step two: Apply to become an approved LEED Green Rater
Complete the application process to become an approved LEED Green Rater and be recognized as a professional who is qualified to provide verification services to LEED residential projects.
- Demonstrate that you have a thorough understanding of the LEED rating systems by holding a current LEED AP: BD+C or LEED AP HOMES credential
- Complete the LEED v4 Green Rater Training and pass the assessment as described above
- Complete the LEED Green Rater Application Form, sign the LEED Green Rater Agreement and meet the following commitments:
- Affirm that you have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in the field of residential construction (e.g. energy rater, general contractor, building inspector, etc.). You will need to provide both the dates of your practice in the field of residential construction, and provide two professional references that can attest to your experience.
- Affirm that you have a thorough understanding of basic building science in the areas of building envelope, heat transfer, moisture transfer and air transfer, as demonstrated through at least one CEU for each topic area
- Agree to meet GBCI quality metrics and abide by their conflict of interest policies as outlined in the LEED Residential Quality Assurance Manual
- Confirm that you will meet the requirements for a minimum amount of LEED Green Rater activity (verify 2 projects every 2 years)
Every two years, LEED Green Raters must renew their application by signing the LEED Green Rater agreement and associated commitments.
LEED Green Raters are required on the following LEED rating systems:
- LEED BD+C: Homes v2008
- LEED BD+C: Multifamily Midrise v2008
- LEED BD+C: Homes v4
- LEED BD+C: Multifamily Midrise v4
- LEED Residential BD+C: Single Family v4.1
- LEED Residential BD+C Multifamily v4.1
- LEED Residential BD+C: Multifamily Core and Shell Development v4.1