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Continuing education (credential)


Maintain your credential with courses that meet your continuing education needs.



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Eligible for GBCI CE Hours: 1


Understanding the links between LEED and WELL - MATERIALS Concept
The WELL Building Standard and LEED are designed to work together, so that buildings can be both sustainable for the environment and healthy for their occupants. This module is for LEED APs who wish to understand the WELL Building Standard Materials Concept and how to design their LEED projects to help secure WELL points in the Materials Concept.
Understanding the links between LEED and WELL - Thermal Comfort Concept
The WELL Building Standard and LEED are designed to work together, so that buildings can be both sustainable for the environment and healthy for their occupants. This module is for LEED APs who wish to understand the WELL Building Standard Thermal Comfort Concept and how to design their LEED projects to help secure WELL points in the THERMAL COMFORT Concept.
EDGE V3 Technical Online Workshop (EDGE Experts training)

GBCI's The EDGE V3 Technical Online Workshop helps project teams understand the EDGE standard, utilize the EDGE App, and navigate the certification process. The workshop qualifies and prepares EDGE Expert candidates to take the EDGE Exam.

Sustainable Procurement and Purchasing for Green Buildings
This course emphasizes the significance of sustainable procurement for green building design, construction and ongoing operations.
What, exactly, does “net zero” mean to an architect? A high-level introduction.
This class will define net zero across time, including the State of California’s present definition.
The State of Net Zero Housing 2023: Inventory of Zero Report
You will learn "The State of Net Zero Housing 2023: Inventory of Zero Report".
Understanding the links between LEED and WELL - AIR Concept
The WELL Building Standard and LEED are designed to work together, so that buildings can be both sustainable for the environment and healthy for their occupants. This module is for LEED APs who wish to understand the WELL Building Standard AIR Concept and how to design their LEED projects to help secure WELL points in the AIR Concept.
Making Zero Possible: Efficiency-First Decarbonization
This session describes a process for designing buildings that couple reductions in greenhouse gas emissions with reductions in energy use.
LEED v4 to v4.1 Crosswalk: BD+C, ID+C and O+M rating systems
This module is designed to familiarize LEED practitioners with the v4.1 changes for LEED BD+C, ID+C, and O+M rating systems. Special emphasis is on interrelationships between rating systems and credit substitutions for v4.0 projects.
Decarbonizing the Built Environment Using The LEED v4.1 Rating System
Learn what decarbonization is and how it affects our built environment.
Codes & Standards on the Path to Zero Net Energy
This session will give you a primer on the latest developments in building energy efficiency standards and the variations of local "reach" code efforts that are impacting the design space.
Grid-Integrated Buildings: Untangling Ourselves From the ‘Net’ in Net Zero
This session describes how to design a building that produces the energy it needs to operate. A brief discussion of the electrical grid will set essential context for this discussion.