SFO Harvey Milk Terminal 1 Center | LEED Platinum and WELL | Photo: Jason O'Rear Photography

LEED credit synergies with green rating systems
LEED is the go-to green building rating system, and in the quest to make our environment healthier and more sustainable, there are additional specialized ways to achieve our goals. There are many places where LEED intersects with other green rating systems so that your project can pursue and achieve multiple certifications.
Crosswalks help project teams identify the features of LEED that align with strategies found in other rating systems. They also enable projects seeking a dual rating to do so with greater ease and a more streamlined approach.
TRUE — zero waste
TRUE measures, improves and recognizes zero waste performance by encouraging the adoption of sustainable resource management and waste reduction practices that contribute to positive environmental, health and economic outcomes.
- TRUE to LEED: TRUE certification can be used to document waste-related LEED credits if a project boundary is the same as a project pursuing LEED Operations and Maintenance certification, provided the corresponding TRUE credit is earned.
SITES (The Sustainable SITES Initiative) — sustainable landscapes
SITES promotes sustainable and resilient landscape development to enhance a project's sustainability, implement green infrastructure strategies and improve resilience.
- SITES to LEED: LEED v4 projects automatically earn points in the LEED Sustainable Sites credit category when they achieve SITES v2 Gold certification or higher. Additionally, there are over 40 credit substitutions, so similar credits only need to be earned in one rating system.
WELL — health and well-being
WELL sets performance requirements in seven categories: air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind.
- WELL to LEED: Achievement of specific WELL features provides partial or full achievement of a LEED credit.
- LEED to WELL: Achievement of specific LEED credits provides achievement of a WELL feature.
EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) — green buildings
EDGE is a green building certification system focused on making buildings more resource-efficient.
- EDGE to LEED: The Green Building Policy and Incentives credit qualifies for LEED for Cities and Communities v4.1 points.
- LEED to EDGE: The Green Infrastructure and Buildings (GIB) Certified Green Building prerequisite within LEED ND v4 requires that at least one building achieve certification through a green building rating system, such as EDGE. Additionally, projects that contain more than one EDGE certified building may earn points toward LEED ND v4 through this credit.
PEER (Performance Excellence in Electricity Renewal) — power systems and electricity
PEER measures and improves power system performance and electricity infrastructure.
- PEER to LEED: If a project applying for LEED v4.1 BD+C and O+M certification is located within a PEER certified project boundary, implemented PEER strategies may support achieving more than 20 points across several common credits.
- LEED to PEER: If a project is applying for PEER v2 certification and is located within a LEED v4.1 BD+C or O+M project boundary, then the PEER project can achieve more than of 5 points across several common credits. The credit needs to be documented in the LEED project submittal.
Parksmart — parking structures
Parksmart advances sustainable mobility through smarter parking structure design and operation.
- Parksmart to LEED: LEED v4 and LEED v2009 BD+C, ID+C & O+M projects may pursue one or more innovation strategies by demonstrating Parksmart measure achievement.
- LEED to Parksmart: Achievement of LEED credits can earn Parksmart measure recognition.
2018 International Green Construction Code — green building
The 2018 International Green Construction Code is an adoptable, usable and enforceable standard for green building design and construction.
- IgCC to LEED: Within jurisdictions that adopt the green code, USGBC will allow projects pursuing LEED certification to be recognized for their compliance to select IgCC measures.