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topics: LEED Fellow

17 articles

LEED Fellow: Esteban Martinez Lozada
LEED Fellow Esteban Martinez Lozada has grown green building in Colombia and worldwide.
LEED Fellow: Katie Rothenberg
Taking the road less traveled is Katie Rothenberg’s way.
LEED Fellow: Bahar Armaghani
Professor Bahar Armaghani shares green building expertise with the next generation.
LEED Fellow: Tommy Linstroth
The founder of Green Badger believes in sustainability that’s affordable and practical.
LEED Fellow: Gautami Palanki
The sustainability expert's broad experience brings her to an ESG-focused role.
LEED Fellow: Shawn Jang
The director of BEE Inc. discusses Taiwan’s uptick in green building.
LEED Fellow: Charlie Cichetti
The green innovator promotes LEED across a broad range of projects.
LEED Fellow: Angélica María Ospina Alvarado
Colombia’s sustainability champion revolutionizes green building in her home country.
LEED Fellow: Kevin Hydes
Integral Group founder Kevin Hydes built his career by bringing people together around a shared vision.
LEED Fellow: Gail Vittori
Gail Vittori has always been motivated to do work with a solid purpose.
LEED Fellow: Carlie Bullock-Jones

17 articles

LEED Fellow: Esteban Martinez Lozada
LEED Fellow: Katie Rothenberg
LEED Fellow: Bahar Armaghani
LEED Fellow: Tommy Linstroth
LEED Fellow: Gautami Palanki
LEED Fellow: Shawn Jang
LEED Fellow: Charlie Cichetti
LEED Fellow: Angélica María Ospina Alvarado
LEED Fellow: Kevin Hydes
LEED Fellow: Gail Vittori
LEED Fellow: Carlie Bullock-Jones