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topics: Resilience

66 articles

PEER-certified airports in India take flight with power resilience
Two of the country’s busiest airports use PEER and LEED to keep travelers on schedule.
LEED Gold cities like Miami lead on climate resilience
A recent conference allowed leaders in the greater Miami area to share climate solutions with the world.
A look at resilience bills in Washington state
View current bills that take a coordinated approach to improving resilience.
A faith community uses Greenbuild Legacy funds to bolster resilience
Faith Baptist Church feeds Oakland’s hungry and serves as the city’s first climate resilience hub.
Enhancing resilience through building information modeling
LEED Fellow Robyn Dowsey shares her thoughts on using predictive modeling tools.
Adapting to hotter summers means building resilience
Learn about ways we can increase climate resilience.
Prescription for resilience: The health care sector and PEER
Two major medical centers prepare for the unexpected to keep patients safe.
New report focuses on climate resilience through green certification
View a new report from GBCI.
Federal government releases portion of climate resilience funding
Housing and Urban Development is establishing a green and resilient standard in its grant requirements.
Attend the Western Resilience Series of webinars
Learn how climate change affects communities across the West in three one-hour webinars.
Resilience series continues (USGBC Middle Atlantic and New England region)
Join the region for another "lunch and learn" webinar series in 2022.
Federal COVID-19 relief funds support state and local green building efforts
A new USGBC policy brief highlights ways federal relief funding can help achieve green goals.