I attended North Carolina State University, majoring in environmental science with a concentration in urban design and development and a minor in Spanish language. My college coursework included classes in physical and earth sciences, urban design, architecture and horticulture; and I also participated in a 6 month study abroad in Valencia, Spain. During college, I had internships at a large commercial real estate development firm and at a family-owned tree care company. Both positions were customer-oriented and research-based, producing resources for the companies that help to best serve their customers.
Following graduation, I spent a year in Utah, exploring the state's boundless natural beauty and working through the winter at a ski resort. After leaving Utah, I set out to find a career through which I could have a role in changing our world for the better, and I ended up in Washington, DC working at the U.S. Green Building Council.
After more than three years at USGBC, I am now the Senior Associate for Education on the Education and Events. In this job role I handle ongoing maintenance of the online education course platform, support content curation and development, and lead the Education team's green career and emerging professionals initiatives.
Personally and professionally, I am driven by my passions to protect the planet, improve the lives of people, and to explore both the human and natural worlds around us.
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